Developer Guide

Additional Customization

The widget will work as specified above – however, should you need additional customization, please use these additional settings as desired.


Should your widget be focused primarily on one destination, you may specify it in the widget tag by using a three-letter country code and the attribute data-destination. This will default the “I am going to” dropdown to the country of your choice.


<div id="cibt-travel-widget" data-key="InsertYourPartnerKeyHere" data-destination="CHN"> </div>

Should you do business with CIBT under one of our other brands, you may specify it in the widget tag by using a brand name and the attribute data-brand. This will change the name, logo, and in some cases other styles to match your chosen brand.


<div id="cibt-travel-widget" data-key="InsertYourPartnerKeyHere" data-destination="CHN" data-brand="newlandchase"> </div>

Currently supported Brands:

Brand Name Brand Code
CIBT cibt
NewlandChase newlandchase


English is the default language for the widget and its content; however, few other languages are also supported. If you wish to specify a default language other than English, you can use the attribute data-localcode in the widget div tag.


<div id="cibt-travel-widget" data-key="InsertYourPartnerKeyHere"
data-destination="CHN" data-brand="newlandchase" data-localcode="en"></div>

Currently supported Languages:

Language Name Language Code
English en
French fr
Dutch nl
Spanish es
German de
Portuguese pt
Norwegian no
Swedish sv
Danish da
Finnish fi