Developer Guide
Code Examples
Please note these examples are illustrative only.
CIBTvisas Example 1
The following call is a request for details of a USA national, resident of the USA, in the state of Virginia, requesting Tourist purpose entry into New Zealand. The response back indicates that a visa is required, and provides Health and Entry details.
curl –H "x-api-key:746reyruwkwej4387623744423yueiry=" ""
"destination": "NZL",
"purpose": "T-ETA",
"isElectronic": true,
"visarequired": "true",
"healthentry": [
"header": "Entry Restrictions",
"content": "
- There are no COVID-19 related entry restrictions at this time. However, travellers should hold the relevant travel documents to enter the country
“icon”: “”
“header”: “Entry & Health Requirements”,
“content”: ”
- There are no COVID-19 related Entry & Health Requirements at this time
“icon”: “”
“header”: “In-country Experience”,
“content”: ”
- Face masks are mandatory in healthcare facilities
“icon”: “”
“header”: “Transit Restrictions “,
“content”: ”
- There are no COVID-19 related transit restrictions at this time
“icon”: “”
“header”: “Re-Entry Requirements”,
“content”: ”
- There are no COVID-19 related re-entry requirements at this time. However, travellers should hold the relevant travel documents to enter the country
“icon”: “”
“landingurl”: “”,
“purposeName”: “Tourist (ETA)”,
“visaCheckComments”: “”,
“embassyDirect”: false,
“visaChanges”: [],
“maxStay”: [
“validityName”: “Valid for 2 Years”,
“entryName”: “Multiple Entries”,
“maxStayLimit”: 90,
“maxStayLimitUnit”: “D”,
“maxStayResetLimit”: 0,
“maxStayResetLimitUnit”: “”
CIBTvisas Example 2
The following call is a request for details of a French national, resident of France requesting Business purpose entry into Australia. The response back indicates that a visa is required, and provides Health and Entry details.
curl –H "x-api-key:746reyruwkwej4387623744423yueiry=" ""
"destination": "AUS",
"purpose": "BEV",
"isElectronic": true,
"visarequired": "true",
"healthentry": [
"header": "Entry Restrictions",
"content": "
- All travellers who meet the health/travel document requirements may enter this destination. Please refer to our Entry and Health Requirements section for further information
“icon”: “”
“header”: “Entry & Health Requirements”,
“content”: ”
- There are no COVID-19 related entry and health restrictions at this time. However, travellers should hold the relevant travel documents to enter the country
“icon”: “”
“header”: “In-country Experience”,
“content”: ”
- Face masks are mandatory in hospitals, healthcare facilities as well as ships, including Carnival Cruises.
- Public health measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 across Australia vary between and within states. For up-to-date public health measures, check the state or local health department where you are, along your route, and at your planned destination. This information can be found here.
“icon”: “”
“header”: “Transit Restrictions”,
“content”: ”
- There are no COVID-19 related transit restrictions at this time. However, travellers should hold the relevant travel documents to enter the country
“icon”: “”
“header”: “Re-Entry Requirements”,
“content”: ”
- There are no COVID-19 related entry & health requirements at this time
“icon”: “”
“landingurl”: “”,
“purposeName”: “Business (Electronic)”,
“visaCheckComments”: “”,
“embassyDirect”: false,
“visaChanges”: [],
“maxStay”: [
“validityName”: “One Year Validity”,
“entryName”: “Multiple Entry”,
“maxStayLimit”: 3,
“maxStayLimitUnit”: “M”,
“maxStayResetLimit”: 0,
“maxStayResetLimitUnit”: “”
Entriva Example 1
The following call is a request for details of a USA national, resident of the USA, in the state of Virginia, requesting Tourist purpose entry into New Zealand. The response back indicates that a visa is required, and provides Health and Entry details.
curl –H "x-api-key:746reyruwkwej4387623744423yueiry=" ""
"destination": "NZL",
"purpose": "T-ETA",
"isElectronic": true,
"visarequired": "true",
"healthentry": [
"header": "Entry Restrictions",
"content": "
- There are no COVID-19 related entry restrictions at this time. However, travellers should hold the relevant travel documents to enter the country
“icon”: “”
“header”: “Entry & Health Requirements”,
“content”: ”
- There are no COVID-19 related Entry & Health Requirements at this time
“icon”: “”
“header”: “In-country Experience”,
“content”: ”
- Face masks are mandatory in healthcare facilities
“icon”: “”
“header”: “Transit Restrictions “,
“content”: ”
- There are no COVID-19 related transit restrictions at this time
“icon”: “”
“header”: “Re-Entry Requirements”,
“content”: ”
- There are no COVID-19 related re-entry requirements at this time. However, travellers should hold the relevant travel documents to enter the country
“icon”: “”
“landingurl”: “”,
“purposeName”: “Tourist (ETA)”,
“visaCheckComments”: “”,
“embassyDirect”: false,
“visaChanges”: [],
“maxStay”: [
“validityName”: “Valid for 2 Years”,
“entryName”: “Multiple Entries”,
“maxStayLimit”: 90,
“maxStayLimitUnit”: “D”,
“maxStayResetLimit”: 0,
“maxStayResetLimitUnit”: “”
Entriva Example 2
The following call is a request for details of a French national, resident of France requesting Business purpose entry into Australia. The response back indicates that a visa is required, and provides Health and Entry details.
curl –H "x-api-key:746reyruwkwej4387623744423yueiry=" ""
"destination": "AUS",
"purpose": "BEV",
"isElectronic": true,
"visarequired": "true",
"healthentry": [
"header": "Entry Restrictions",
"content": "
- All travellers who meet the health/travel document requirements may enter this destination. Please refer to our Entry and Health Requirements section for further information
“icon”: “”
“header”: “Entry & Health Requirements”,
“content”: ”
- There are no COVID-19 related entry and health restrictions at this time. However, travellers should hold the relevant travel documents to enter the country
“icon”: “”
“header”: “In-country Experience”,
“content”: ”
- Face masks are mandatory in hospitals, healthcare facilities as well as ships, including Carnival Cruises.
- Public health measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 across Australia vary between and within states. For up-to-date public health measures, check the state or local health department where you are, along your route, and at your planned destination. This information can be found here.
“icon”: “”
“header”: “Transit Restrictions”,
“content”: ”
- There are no COVID-19 related transit restrictions at this time. However, travellers should hold the relevant travel documents to enter the country
“icon”: “”
“header”: “Re-Entry Requirements”,
“content”: ”
- There are no COVID-19 related entry & health requirements at this time
“icon”: “”
“landingurl”: “”,
“purposeName”: “Business (Electronic)”,
“visaCheckComments”: “”,
“embassyDirect”: false,
“visaChanges”: [],
“maxStay”: [
“validityName”: “One Year Validity”,
“entryName”: “Multiple Entry”,
“maxStayLimit”: 3,
“maxStayLimitUnit”: “M”,
“maxStayResetLimit”: 0,
“maxStayResetLimitUnit”: “”